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How Fit is Your Ride?

A few years ago, I worked As Health and Safety Manager for a trucking company. As part of a health and wellbeing promotion, I published the document below... As you know driving is a sedentary job, this gave them something to think about

You wouldn't hit the road without making sure your vehicle was up to scratch – so how about giving yourself the same treatment? Your health is important for your safety on the road. Use the following checklist as a guide to your “roadworthiness”.

OIL PRESSURE – Are you likely to blow a gasket?

Having high blood pressure increases your risk of heart disease and stroke. But it can be effectively managed, either with lifestyle change or medication. It’s a good idea to have your blood pressure checked each year by your doctor. Regular exercise and a balanced diet are also important. For further advice about blood pressure Speak to you G.P.

MASS AND DIMENSION – Are you within the health range?

A correctly loaded rig means less strain on the engine and the rig itself. Same applies to your body. Carrying extra weight can take its toll, and increases your risk of diabetes, heart disease, cancer and other lifestyle related diseases, which can all affect your fitness to drive in the future. For advice about losing weight, speak to your G.P.

SUSPENSION – Are you in for an uncomfortable ride?

You’re certainly not going to manage a heavy load if your suspension is not up to it.

Maintaining your strength and flexibility through regular exercise and stretching will help you manage the long hours on the road. It will also help you avoid the pain and inconvenience of back injury. Regular exercise also reduces your risk of heart disease and diabetes. To find out more about getting active and reducing your risks, contact your G.P.

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